AACJ Burkina Faso Trains Government Institutions on Climate Project Formulation and Finance Mobilization
In Burkina Faso, Association for Education, Environment and Human Rights (A-2E) (A-2E) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) are collaborating to address the country’s pressing climate challenges. On May 27, 2024, they launched a five-day training program for 25 experts from Government institutions, CSOs and technicians in climate project formulation. This initiative is part of the larger African Activists for Climate Justice (AACJ) program, which aims to bridge the gap between Burkina Faso’s climate finance needs and the funds actually received.
Burkina Faso, like many African nations, faces severe climate-related issues such as droughts, floods, and desertification. These challenges threaten food security, livelihoods, and the environment. Despite these challenges, there is a significant deficit between the country’s need for climate adaptation and mitigation and the funding it receives. The AACJ program seeks to mobilize climate finance, especially from the GCF, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance the resilience of human and ecological systems.
The training program’s objectives are clear: to enhance the skills and knowledge of experts in climate project formulation, to mobilize climate finance for adaptation and mitigation projects, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to strengthen the resilience of human and ecological systems. This initiative is critical for Burkina Faso as it strives to meet its climate commitments under the Paris Agreement.
During the opening ceremony of the training program, Mamoudou Ouedrago, the A-2E representative, emphasized the importance of building local capacity for climate action, stating, “This training program is a crucial step towards empowering local experts to drive climate projects that address the specific needs of Burkina Faso. By investing in our own people, we are laying a foundation for sustainable climate solutions that benefit our communities.”
A participant from the Ministry of Environment, speaking on the sidelines of the training program, remarked, “This initiative is a significant step towards strengthening our capacity to formulate and implement climate projects. By enhancing our skills, we can better access climate finance and contribute to sustainable development in Burkina Faso. This training is a valuable opportunity for us to learn from experts and share experiences with other stakeholders.”

The training program is expected to yield several outcomes. It will improve the formulation of climate projects, making them more aligned with international finance requirements. This will increase Burkina Faso’s access to climate finance, particularly from the GCF. As a result, the country will be able to implement more effective climate adaptation and mitigation projects, contributing to its resilience and emissions reduction goals. Additionally, the knowledge and skills gained from this program will be shared, further enhancing climate action in Burkina Faso.
In conclusion, this training program represents a significant step towards addressing Burkina Faso’s climate challenges and achieving its climate goals. By building the capacity of experts and mobilizing climate finance, the country can enhance its resilience to climate change and contribute to global efforts to combat this pressing issue.