African Activists for Climate Justice



Safeguarding at AACJ: Ensuring Safety and Wellbeing in Climate Justice

At the African Activists for Climate Justice (AACJ) Programme, we are deeply committed to prioritizing the safety and wellbeing of all individuals involved in our project. This includes our staff, partners, and the communities we work with. Our safeguarding framework outlines our strong stance against any form of harm, abuse, or exploitation, with a zero-tolerance policy towards serious misconduct, particularly regarding sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (SEAH).

Key elements include:


  • Competent safeguarding focal point in each partner organization.
  • Safeguarding alignment with IASC standards and principles.
  • Risk management through assessments and mitigation measures.


  • Confidential reporting channels for staff, partners, and communities.
  • Tailored speak-up mechanisms and dissemination of reporting information.


  • Prompt and appropriate response procedures.
  • Support and protection for survivors.
  • Collaboration between partners for effective response.

We are committed to a culture of safety, accountability, and prevention to ensure the wellbeing of all involved in the AACJ program.