African Activists for Climate Justice

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AACJ Global Coordination Meeting


In the heart of Addis Ababa, at the Sapphire Hotel on the 6th february 2024, the African Activists for Climate Justice (AACJ) convened for the Global Coordination Meeting, marking a significant milestone in their journey towards fostering sustainable, inclusive, and climate-just movements across Africa. This year’s assembly, under the theme “Enhancing the Foundations of Sustainable, Inclusive, and Climate Just Movements in Africa,” brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including the project’s consortium partners PACJA; OXFAM;FEMNET; NATURAL JUSTICE and the African Youth Commission, country leads, technical teams, and representatives from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, all dedicated to advancing climate justice.

This gathering, a critical juncture in the AACJ’s five-year journey, aimed to reflect on the consortium’s achievements and strategize for future challenges and opportunities.

Yonas Gebru, the National Coordinator of CCC-E Ethiopia, initiated the proceedings with a warm welcome, underscoring the importance of unity and collective action in combating the climate crisis. Followed by Benson Simba, the Head of the Project Management Unit, who detailed the past year’s accomplishments and set an ambitious agenda for enhancing the project’s impact through strategic collaboration and innovation.

The Chair of the Project Governance Group (PGG), in a moment of reflection and foresight, shared a compelling message: Together, we are not just responding to the climate crisis; we are leading the way in crafting innovative, sustainable solutions that will echo across continents and generations. Let us use this meeting as a springboard to elevate our efforts, amplify our voices, and secure an equitable and enduring future for all.

The presence of Carel de Groot and Delmer Van Veev from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted the international support for Africa’s climate justice movements. Their speeches emphasized the global significance of the AACJ’s work and the crucial role of partnerships in advancing climate justice.

Participants delved into a comprehensive review of the AACJ’s efforts, with presentations on advocacy, communications, finance, and monitoring and evaluation. These discussions, led by Philip Dinga, Jennifer Nkurunziza, Grace Ngatia, and Michael Dhatemwa, showcased the consortium’s strategic approach to amplifying African voices in the climate dialogue.

The day also featured insights from consortium partners, including PACJA’s Charles Mwangi, Oxfam’s Ayan Harare, FEMNET’s Maureen Olyaro, NJ’s Melissa Groenink, and AYC’s Michael Khaduyu. Their contributions illustrated the collaborative spirit driving the AACJ’s regional and global initiatives.

The meeting also provided a platform for country leads from Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, and South Africa to share their progress and challenges, facilitating a rich exchange of experiences and best practices. These country updates underscored the AACJ’s commitment to addressing the unique climate challenges faced by different regions and communities across Africa.

The AACJ Global Coordination Meeting of 2024 was not just a gathering but a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of collective action in the fight against climate change. As the consortium moves forward, the foundations laid during this pivotal meeting will undoubtedly propel their efforts towards achieving a more sustainable, inclusive, and climate-just future for Africa.

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