African Activists for Climate Justice

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The annual climate change summits, held across various regions of the world, have evolved into the foremost platform for global geopolitical interactions, emerging as a paramount concern in the contemporary global landscape. These high-stakes conferences assemble world leaders, technical experts, activists, and individuals from diverse backgrounds. They provide a crucial opportunity to contemplate the latest scientific advancements, exchange ideas and confrontations, and foster consensus in the face of the most pressing existential threat to humanity and the planet—climate change.

These conferences are characterized by high-level meetings, exhaustive negotiations extending from dawn to dusk, diverse side events covering various themes and sectors, and vocal protests. In this inclusive environment, participants are welcomed irrespective of their power, wealth, or nationality.

This analysis delves into the outcomes of COP28’s final decisions, drawing insights from two pivotal positions that galvanized African communities in the lead-up to Dubai—the Africa Climate Summit (ACS) in conjunction with the African Group of Negotiators (AGN), and the PACJA Position representing the overarching stance of African civil society under the Non-State Actors (NSAs) Steering Committee established during the ACS.

Emphasizing the significance of COP28, this analysis marks a critical juncture in the ongoing international dialogue on climate change, occurring eight years since the adoption of the Paris Agreement. It allows the global community to evaluate the progress in implementing the Agreement through the inaugural Global Stocktake (GST). The Global Stocktake, a comprehensive assessment since the Paris Agreement’s inception, not only identifies gaps in implementing climate response actions across all fronts but also proposes essential measures to bridge these gaps and realign efforts for more effective climate action.

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  1. La lutte pour la justice climatique doit se mener au quotidien pour faire face à toutes les perturbations qui affectent considérablement l’avenir de nos contrées

  2. C’est le combat de tous

  3. It’s everyone’s fight

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